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Process Optimization

Most businesses are driving down hard on costs and striving to improve performance.  We can play a role in this process by bringing experienced engineers onto site, auditing the process and identifying possible improvements.

Monitoring equipment can be installed to understand performance and costs, to create a baseline upon which the improvements can be measured.

The solutions will range from simple enhancements, re-commissioning or possibly taking a completely fresh approach to the control solution. Typically this work is only completed when new projects are undertaken but we believe it can improve the productivity of plant by applying the experience of our engineers.

Our engineers can also assist in creating your User Requirement Specification (URS) for ISPE Gamp5 Guidelines and Risk Analysis methodology, following a comprehensive analysis of your processes and methods, together with an understanding of your business requirements and expectations.

Network Analysis

Networks are the back bone of today’s control and monitoring systems, transmitting process data between devices, local controllers and supervisory systems. Their failure can clearly have a serious impact on plant systems.

Using specialist equipment, our engineers will create a report detailing the physical and electrical qualities of the network. The quality and utilization performance, capacity and architecture will be measured and assessed. The physical failures, bottlenecks and the overall capacity of the system will be identified.

This analysis will result in a clearer understanding of your network, reducing downtime and improving performance.

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