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These outlines are intended as an indication of the type of opportunities available at Eurotherm.

They give a flavour of the technologies we are using, or thinking of using, and some of the problems we are trying to solve.

See our main Projects page for more information.

Intrinsically Safe (IS) Investigation

Project E7

This project would involve an investigation into the needs of markets that require intrinsically safe equipment. The output of the project would involve assessment of the costs and impact of Eurotherm designing instrumentation for entering this market and proposals as to how this could be achieved.

Instrumentation on the Cellular Network

Project E10

Product can be, and often is, spread over a wide area. Connecting to it from anywhere is now expected. Cellular technologies are extending the edge of the network in many markets and applications.

This project would involve investigation into the various modules and tariffs available worldwide offerings, recommending a solution technology, and implementing it onto a current Eurotherm product as proof of concept.

EtherCAT Proof of Concept

Project E11 

Eurotherm are investigating the use of EtherCAT as a realtime Ethernet backplane. EtherCAT is an open standard extension to the Ethernet protocol and is fully compatible with 100Mbps Ethernet. It supports rapid low level messaging in sub 1ms intervals for fast realtime control. EtherCAT is based on a dedicated interface at the lowest hardware level which is available either as an ASIC, as an FPGA specific IP core or as source VHDL.

Eurotherm would like to investigate the source VHDL so that we may be independent of ASIC and IP core restrictions and obsolescence.

This project would take the source VHDL and implement it on either a Xilinx or Altera FPGA (or possibly both) interfacing to a simple backend device to demonstrate feasibility. Further consideration would need to be given to the implementation of communications redundancy.

The project will involve the use of VHDL development and simulation tools and the hardware design and construction of a suitable backend device. Some software design for the backend device firmware may be required.

Using Vision Systems to Improve Process Control

Project S24 

Many process control systems employ indirect measurements to determine or monitor status and progress of a process. There is the potential to use vision systems to provide more direct thermal measurements or even analyse the chemistry of the components involved. This approach could provide process improvements such as better quality, productivity and resulting energy savings.

This project is about providing a proof of concept deployed onto a real world process to move these ideas forward.

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